

Digital Tech Guide’s mission is to train its clients to be self-confident, self-reliant users of personal technology. As such, we understand our obligation to answer questions outside the scope of the training session. We’re not in the support business, but we promise to do everything in our power to answer your questions in a timely manner.

We’re here to help. So if you have a question about computers, smartphones or other personal technology, go ahead and ask. We’ll evaluate it as quickly as possible. If we can dash off a quick response, either by email or phone, there’s no charge. Otherwise, we’ll let you know what we’d need to do, how long it would take to do it, and quote you an appropriate fee. Should resources be stretched too thin, here’s how we manage our support commitments.

Active clients who submit questions on current projects receive priority.
Clients with questions on non-project matters come next.
We’ll look at others’ questions as time permits. We realize that each such question represents potential business, so they are very important to us. We’ll do our best to get to them.

To ask a support question, complete the following form and click Submit.

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