

We don’t mean anything fancy by the term “communications.” It’s just about finding the best ways to keep in touch with your family, friends, customers, employer or anyone else significant in your life. The answer can be completely different depending on people and circumstances. We’re here, to help you evaluate the possibilities.

For centuries, letters wer*e the primary means of long-distance communication. In the 19th century, the telegraph made communication more immediate and the telephone added the human touch. With the advent of the personal computer and related technology, communication options have mushroomed, making letters a relic of the past. Email has taken the letter’s place for most personal communication, but now it is giving way to interactions that use instant messaging software, social networks like Facebook, and for brief messages, Twitter. The question is: Which method or combination of methods does the best job of helping you keep in touch with the important people in your life? We’ll discuss that question and focus on learning the techniques that your answer indicates. Start the process with an email or call.